Ken Olofsen

Bamboo plugins for Git and GitHub

Ken Olofsen talks about Bamboo May 2, 2009 7:52 AM

bamboo icon.pngIn just the last few weeks, there have been several great developments for Atlassian Bamboo users looking to move their source to Git or GitHub. What started as a FedEx project for Don Brown, our Integration Architect, quickly evolved into the Bamboo Git Repository Plugin thanks to the help of Juan Alonso "slnc" and several others. Now, Andy Pols has stepped up with a GitHub Repository Plugin.

Bamboo + Git

The Git Repository Plugin let's you select Git repositories when setting up or editing your build plans in Bamboo. Juan helped move all the source for the plugin up to GitHub where several contributors have improved it providing support for both Bamboo 2.1 and 2.2.

Bamboo + GitHub

When Andy moved all his source to GitHub, he discovered that the Git Repository Plugin did not like GitHub style repository URLs, so he created the GitHub Repository Plugin. It works with Bamboo 2.2 and let's you run elastic build agents on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Other features include:

  • Adds the option "GitHub" to the list of available repositories when you add or edit a plan.
  • Shows the changes that triggered the build.
  • Trigger the build via a GitHub Service Hook.
  • Links the commit code changes back to the GitHub page containing the commit/diff.

Check out both these plugins today. Plans are to merge these together in the near future, but don't hesitate to jump in and make improvements. Special thanks to Don, Juan "slnc", Andy, James, Graeme, and everyone else who chipped in so far.

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